We desperately want to have mattered.
We want to believe that our lives were not coincidental and that somebody, a few years after we're gone, might be grateful that we passed this way.
Most of us can leave our footprints in the sands of time just by leading good lives and enriching the lives of those who love us. Surely, that's enough. We don't crave fame.
And yet, it would be nice to be remembered for doing one small, unique thing that touches others; to leave something of a legacy, a personal thank you for the life we lived and loved and wanted to share.
Please meet my friend, Cheri Fuller.
Cheri is a passionate 60-ish wife, mother, grandma, friend and artist. The world is full of Cheris, of course, but this one is ours. She's as uniquely gifted and personally delightful as nearly everybody whose name you'll never learn nor remember, except for one difference:
Cheri paints Eyerocks and leaves them scattered about in the spirit of Johnny Appleseed.
If you occasionally wander the rivers, streams and the ocean beaches of Northern California, if you're really lucky, you may stumble upon an original Eyerock by Cheri. They are individually simple and yet magnificently striking works of art found lying about, here and there.

We belong here and we matter in the grand scheme of things.
If you find one, turn it over carefully so as not to disrupt its canvas. You'll see this signature.
Take a picture. Take two or three. You've discovered a treasure that is, as far as I can figure, a unique gift to the world.
But, please put it back where and how you found it.